Lingoes: This application did not work on my computer. It is a talking dictionary which can support language needs. You can adjust the font style and size. It is an easy to use dictionary and text translation. This application work with Google, Wikipedia, etc…
Balbolka: This application reads any text you insert. This can then be saved as MP3,WAV,OGG or WMA files. It offers portability for students.
Let Me Type Application: This would be good for those who struggle with spelling and word recognition. It is a word prediction application which would be useful for anyone who may be slow at typing. It can be personalized and the background color can be changed. This application is able to predict words after typing in just the first couple of letters. This application can also be used in many programs, such as Word or Google.
Rapid Typing Application: This is a touch-type tutor which allows individuals to practice their typing skills. It times your typing speed as you work through the application.
Tiny Spelling Bar: This application is a spell checking application. It stays active in any program you use on your computer. A yellow box appears and you can select what you believe to be the correct spelling. I was not able to use this application on this computer.
This page looks amazing! :)