- This is a mind mapping tool that can help you with planning and organization espeicially with writing essays and doing projects.
- This X Mind is similair to Inspiration.
- To help students who think, plan, and learn visually.
Check out this video on how X Mind works...
- Similiar tools as other programs that you have used such as Inspiration which allows you to import, add hyperlinks, etc.
- The grahic organizer is easy to use- topics can be easily inserted by right clicking.
- On the right side of the page there is a outline which is a duplication of the map.
- X Mind allows you to add sub-topics, notes, insert images, and hyperlinks.
- You can choose to open a web-browser on the left hand size that you can take information directly off the internet to insert into the graphic organzier.
- You can change the color, format, and background color.
- The X-Mind can be exported to Word as an HTML and it will allow you to edit and/or add.
Sunbird- Portable Calendar
This calendar can be used to plan your day, week, month, tasks, and appointments.
Who would benefit from the Portable Calendar?
The Portable Calendar will help you with organizational and/or memory difficulties in a visual and colorful way. Some of the main features include adding an event and being able to view your calendar by day, week or month. It also gives you the option to print the calendar.
- Select date
- Click once on date
- It will highlight the date in yellow
- Click the new event icon
- Pop up box will allow you to input details
- Set start / end times
- Repeat (daily, biweekly, annually)
* Similiar features to 'add event'
- Add title
- Add location
- Category
- Due date
- Repeat reminder
- Review tasks by left mouse click
Hott Notes- Sticky Notes
This is a free sticky notes reminder program for your desktop.
Who would benefit from Hott Notes?
Students with organizational and/or memory difficulties and like to see information presented in a visual colorful way. Features include the option to set an alarm to remind them, post sticky note reminders, and make checklists.
There is a DROP DOWN menu which gives them the option to choose: note, checklist note, or scribble note.
- Under the edit option there is a pop up box that allows you to change the settings:
- Message note
- Checklist
- Color Options Tab- to select a color scheme and style of note
- Custom Style- allows you to change the colors of the note and create your own style
- Transperancy Options Tab- changes the notes transperancy
- Alarm Options- can set alarms on notes- reminded to look at note at a specific time
- Checklist Options Tab- create new checklist items, edit, and delete
- Scribble Options Tab- allows you to adjust brush size
- Note Context Menu- assessed by right clicking any note
- Edit
- Set Alarm
- Clear contents- allows you to erase all note contents
- Shade / Show Title Bar
- Hide- you can hide a note or make it invisible
- Print a note
- Copy to Clipboard
- Save
- Archive- want to keep for a period of time
- Crumple- deletes a note
Here is a view of the Hott Notes page...
Overall these features in the planning section on My Study Bar will help you organize your thoughts, ideas, and parts of your life with ease.
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